Brand Upward, Breakthrough and Upgrading, Linglong's brand value is about to exceed 100 billion!


On June 19, the 21st World Brand Conference was held in Beijing. The World Brand Lab released the 2024 "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" analysis report. Linglong ranked 110th on the list with a brand value of 98.137 billion yuan, and has been on the list for 21 consecutive years.

This year's World Brand Conference is themed "Breakthrough and Innovation: Roadmap for Digital Technology to Enhance Brand Value", emphasizing the key role of digital technology in enhancing brand value. Dr. John Detten, Emeritus Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, pointed out: Now all marketing is digital marketing, and it is expected to become a solution to large-scale intimate marketing challenges.

In the face of adverse conditions, Linglong Tire has led the brand's high-quality growth in recent years with a product-upward, brand-upward, and channel-upward thinking mode.

Products are the core competitiveness of a brand. In this regard, Linglong has formulated a precise product upgrade strategy. Through continuous technological innovation and product iteration, it has successfully created a series of high-end flagship products such as Master and Terminator, driving brand upgrades with leading and revolutionary products.

Regarding channel upgrading, Linglong has always been consumer-centric, constantly promoting the upgrading and innovation of channel structure, and improving the service capabilities of stores to users. At the same time, it adopts an integrated online and offline sales and service model, and joins hands with's high-quality e-commerce platform for car maintenance to provide consumers with a broader choice space and better services.

Not only that, Linglong actively embraces the new retail model and launches a smart retail system, which closely integrates factories, businesses, stores, and users into the same system ecology, realizes real-time information sharing and accurate reach, further enhances the emotional connection between users and brands, and injects new vitality into the healthy growth of brands.

In terms of brand upgrading, Linglong continues to strengthen users' awareness of the brand through continuous advertising investment, sports marketing, public welfare projects, etc. It is particularly worth mentioning that in the field of digital brand marketing, the company fully relies on advanced digital platforms, uses big data analysis technology to accurately screen user tags, and uses predictive analysis to deeply explore the patterns and trends of user behavior. Based on these insights, highly personalized marketing information and promotional activities are created to effectively connect consumers and establish deep brand loyalty.

In addition, when measuring the leadership of brands, especially the ESG (environmental, social and governance) score, the World Brand Lab referred to the ESG database of Super Finance. At the same time, it borrowed the measurement of carbon emissions of brand companies by Carboncare International to promote brands to add the "carbon emission score" label.

In terms of strengthening the ESG competitiveness of enterprises, Linglong is also at the forefront of the industry. The company actively leads the sustainable development of the supply chain, and through innovation in the tire industry and technology, it has demonstrated significant first-mover and sustainability advantages. In 2024, the company launched 79% sustainable and environmentally friendly tires, and the products reached the industry's highest A grade in terms of noise performance and rolling resistance performance, demonstrating its pursuit of dual standards of environmental protection and performance.

In 2024, Linglong was selected as a "Typical Case of Global Brand Sustainable Development" by the Organizing Committee of the Global Brand Innovation and Development Think Tank Forum for its adherence to and excellent practice of the concept of "low-carbon, environmental protection, and sustainable development".

This time, Linglong's brand value has increased significantly compared with last year, which fully proves that under the guidance of upward thinking, Linglong's brand has achieved high-quality and rapid development. In the future, Linglong will continue to make efforts in technology, products, channels, etc., and with the help of digital brand marketing, it will steadily move towards high-end and globalization, and open a new chapter in the brand's upward development!

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